Free Preschool Ocean Theme Printables
These are preschool ocean them printables that you can use at home or in the classroom. Best of all they are free and easy to print.
If you have been living under a rock or maybe in Sweden… You might not know that the whole world is under lockdown due to COVID-19 right now. I have been home with my 2 girls for almost a month now. My youngest is 3 years old and my oldest is 7.
My oldest daughter has special needs including autism and global developmental delay. Because of this, she is academically a little behind or at the kindergarten level. In the first couple of weeks of homeschool, we did some virtual tours and worksheets. Mostly sourced from Pinterest and other blogs.
We did a virtual aquarium tour and a dairy farm tour which was super fun and interesting I thought. My girls were interested in it for a couple of minutes and then wandered away. We did worksheets that went with them. The farm ones we did were from Preschool Play. I couldn’t find any ocean-themed ones that fit both my girl’s levels. If any of you know me, that means that I made my own.
I focused on the skills that were important for both my girls such as scissor skills, tracing, matching, and letters. With my youngest, I needed to help her with a couple. The tracing and scissor skills she was able to do independently. I love to share with you guys to help you out if you are too busy or don’t know how to make them yourselves.
Quickly I will tell you what each printable is for and what they help your child with.

The tracing is to develop fine motor skills to be able to start to write letters.

The scissor skills is also a fine motor activity that will help to develop those muscles.

Matching the letter is going to help with letter recognition. Which will then help with learning how to read and spell.

Tracing and counting the fish is going to help with number recognition, fine motor skills, and will help develop rudimentary mathematic skills.

Matching is another way to help children develop mathematic skills. The categorization will reoccur throughout the academic life, it’s also important to brain development.
Along with these printables you will get keys for the worksheets above. Tailored for a classroom preschool teacher who might need to look at multiples of the same worksheet.
I hope that you all are doing well in these trying times and that you are staying healthy and relatively sane during the insanity of trying to homeschool your children through the public schooling system. We are all truly trying our best to help our children through things that we are not really qualified to do.
Staying afloat is about all we can do right now, but just know I am thinking of everyone and I am struggling right along with you. Locking myself in the bathroom every once in a while and eating a cookie.
If you happen to use these preschool ocean theme printables please feel free to post on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest. Just make sure to tag @mamaofthedrama because I want to see how everyone is doing! It also brings me great joy to know that I am not doing all this hard work for just my girls.

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As always…