6 Benefits of Breastfeeding and Update!
6 Benefits of Breastfeeding- We all know "breast is best" but what are those specific benefits? Here are a couple I have put together for you!
Overcoming Challenges of Breastfeeding
Overcoming challenges of breastfeeding. This is about the toughness of a mama who is insistent on breastfeeding her child. #mamapower!
4 Easy Ways to Increase Milk Supply
4 Easy Ways to Increase YOUR milk supply. Fenugreek, power pumping, and lactogenic foods. Do they work? Do they increase your milk supply? Find out!
Night Shift Pumping Schedule
Night shift Pumping Schedule and Survival Guide. If you are working night shift and want to know how to have a pumping schedule for your day dwelling baby, this is for you!
My Life with a Supplemental Nursing System™
At 2 days old my second daughter had lost more than 10% of her weight. A big no-no when it comes to newborns and breastfeeding. Our 3 options were supplementing with a bottle after breast, trying the supplemental nursing system or (SNS), or just going to formula.