sensory tub
Activities,  Autism,  Parenting,  Special Needs,  Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day Sensory Tub

A valentine’s day sensory tub full of dyed long grain rice and Valentine’s day goodies. A sensory seekers dream, plus it’s educational! If you missed when I talked about my daughter’s autism spectrum disorder diagnosis you can check that out here.

One of the things that are very commonly associated with an autism diagnosis is sensory difficulties and sensitivities as well as seeking certain sensory stimuli. My daughter is sensitive to auditory sensory input and can become very overwhelmed when there is too much input.

Sensory Processing

A lot of times a child with this kind of sensory issue will hold there hands over their ears. I got my child some quiet headphones for times when we are in public and cannot avoid noise. These seem to work well. She also doesn’t like getting dirty. Shaving cream being used at OT was a disaster.

She also seeks out certain sensory input mainly proprioceptive input. Such as hanging upside down, swinging, and being tightly held. For example, as a baby, she would swing endlessly if you would allow her too, and a weighted blanket is apart of her calm down spot.

So this activity is great for sensory seekers that don’t like to get “dirty” this sensory tub can also have an educational component to it. For example, you can put the letters to a simple word like “love” hidden in the rice for your little one to find and put in order. The sensory tub that I made was more for fun sensory play and less educational. There are so many ways to use this sensory tub it’s all up to you and what you want to do.

Valentine pom poms

Sensory Tub Materials

  • 20 lb bag long grain rice (I bought mine at Walmart)
  • 66 QT clear storage tub
  • Red and Pink food dye
  • White Vinegar
  • Sensory Items
    • Heart cookies cutters
    • Paper hearts
    • Ribbon
    • Craft pom poms

Sensory Tub Directions

Time needed: 2 days

  1. Dying the Rice

    First, you are going to need to dye your long grain rice. Do this a couple days ahead of when you are going to use it in your tub so you give it ample time to dry. Take the white vinegar and mix it with the food coloring. Using a ratio of 1 tbsp to 3 cups of rice to evenly spread the food dye. Use as much food dye as you need to make your rice the desired color. Shake or stir the rice to spread the food coloring and move it to a baking sheet or disposable pan to dry. I did one batch pink, one red, and I left one white.
    dyed rice

  2. Mix it in! 

    After your rice has dried put all the colors in your storage tub. Now your rice is ready to put all your sensory items in.

  3. Add the Sensory Items

    I used cookie cutters, paper hearts, poof balls from the crafts store, and ribbon in my sensory tub. All to create different textures and sensory experiences. On top of the rice which is a sensory experience in itself.

So, now comes the fun part, play in your sensory tub! In addition, you can put in some education qualities by asking for certain shapes or colors to be found. Also, you can make it a scavenger hunt and have your child find all the different things one by one. My preferred method is just to let your little one freely play with the sensory items. Such as picking out the things, digging and burying them again. You can let them stim as they please on a weekend afternoon.

Let me know if you make your sensory tub!

In conclusion, enjoy your sensory play with your special little one and let me know if you make it in the comments below or tag @mamaofthedrama on all your favorite social media. Have a wonderful Valentine’s day and don’t forget to love on yourself.

Also, if you are looking for more sensory activities I did a sensory slime activity that your kiddo will love! As always if you want to join the mama of the drama family hit that subscribe button.

Thanks for reading! -Kirsta

Hi! I am a wife, mommy of 2 girls, a blogger, and a nurse. My daughter has special needs and I have a passion for mental health. So, the drama is a daily occurrence for this mama. Come along for the ride!

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