Summer Schedule for Kids, Awesome Daily Ideas
Summer schedule for kids is a great way to organize your days this summer. If your are quarantining this can help you organize your days.
Gentle Parenting
This is about gentle parenting, it introduces you to gentle parenting, talks about why I use gentle parenting and gives you a crash course.
Frugal Birthday How-to
How to have a frugal birthday. I go through the process of how I put together a frugal birthday party. Even your little one won't know!
Leaf Peeping Scavenger Hunt
Do your little's have too much energy? Are you wanting to teach about fall leaves and the changes to trees in the north? This scavenger hunt is for you!
10 Fun Fall Activities to do with your Little’s
On the blog this week is, 10 Things to do with your Little's in the Fall. HAPPY FALL Y'ALL! It is my favorite season. It always has been, the crisp cool air, the beautifully colored trees. The impending possibility of a bucket full of candy 😍. What's not to love?!