Preschool Dinosaur Theme Printables
What day is it? Why am I so bored? Wait! No! I have children to homeschool with these preschool dinosaur theme printables.
Free Preschool Ocean Theme Printables
These are ocean preschool printables that you can use at home or in the classroom. Best of all they are free and easy to print.
Special Needs Mom Burnout. What it is and How to Fight it.
Special needs mom burnout, let's talk about the challenges of being a special needs mom, what leads to burnout, and how you can be a better parent.
Monster Valentine
This is a great monster valentine that is classroom-friendly. It's frugal, easy on the environment, and it's 100% free!
10 Ways to Help Your Special Needs Child at the Doctors
Ways to Help Your Special Needs Child at the Doctor's, some tips/tricks that can help at the dentist or anywhere you're trying to gain cooperation.
Getting Fit After Baby
Getting fit after having a baby can be really tough. These are some ways I have been able to stick with my goals and take care of my little one.
Beach Scavenger Hunt Printable
A free beach scavenger hunt printable to enjoy on your sunny trip to the beach! Who wouldn't love that?! Check it out!
Special Needs Abbreviations List
IEP, FBA, TSS, so many abbreviations! What do they all mean? This is a helpful list of abbreviations used in public school. With a free printable included!
Red, White, and Blue Density Tower Sensory Bottle
This is a red, white, and blue density tower and sensory bottle so your little one can help celebrate at that family cookout with a cool and science filled sensory bottle.
Emergency Calm Down Kit DIY
An emergency calm down kit is a tool for people with special needs or mental health issues that need some extra help calming down. This is how we made ours.